You will need an account in order to create links. If you don’t have an account,
please submit a ticket to the Digital Strategies help desk.
To create a short link:
Log into the site with your VUnetID
In the top field, add in your destination URL (see screenshot below)
In the bottom field enter in your keyword that will become part of the URL.
Keyword notes
The keywords should be lowercase and should not include spaces or special characters.
Use a dash to separate words.(example: )
If you don’t assign a keyword a random text string will be generated.
(example: )Once you assign a keyword to short link it can’t be changed.
Note: The short links are http and not https
Link ownership
The person’s account that created the link is the only account that can edit that link. There is not a way in the system to reassign ownership once a link has been created. If you need to edit a link that’s already been created please submit a ticket.