Import articles with the PubMed tool

The PubMed import widget facilitates adding articles to a website.


To import articles:

  • Go to Dashboard > PubMed widget

  • Search by entering the article PMID, keywords, or title

  • Select the article you want to add from the returned entries

  • Click publish

  • Check the publications page for added articles

  • To update a publication, click the article title then click edit. Publications are edited like a basic WordPress Post.


PubMed article doesn’t show after posting

Check that the article hasn’t previously been added. If the article exists, the import will fail. Be sure to delete the duplicate article. To delete, click the publication and click “trash.” Go to “trash”
to permanently delete the entry.


All the field entries are blank. How do I auto import?

Be sure to use the Dashboard widget. If all fields are blank, the likely cause is the Publications “add new” button was used. Use the PubMed widget located on the Dashboard to auto import.