Why Did the Right Column Move Below the Main Column?

If you notice that the right hand column of your site shifted below the main column after you publish a page, there could be one of two things affecting your site. Before contacting us about this problem, make sure you aren’t viewing your site on a mobile device or a computer with a very small screen. Our site templates have a responsive design that moves the right hand column below the main content area for a more streamlined display on mobile devices. There’s no need to worry about this type of display issue on mobile devices.

This other thing you might be experiencing is a small error in the HTML of your main column’s content area. Usually this means there’s an empty HTML tag somewhere in that content, and that causes the main column to wrap around the righthand sidebar. This can be fixed if you look in the HTML view when you are in the editing the main content area. You will be looking for something that might look like one of these two pieces of HTML:



Sometimes these errors can be hard to find, and you can always submit a Help Desk ticket to have one of our team members assist you with correcting this type of problem.